
Meditation and Kriyas for Healthy Heart

Heart disease continues to be the number one killer across the world. Our sedentary lifestyle, sitting for long periods of time can have a profound negative effect on your health even if you exercise regularly. A research shows that 75 to 90 percent of coronary artery disease is caused by lifestyle risk factors. Few Psychosocial factors such as anxiety, anger, social isolation, stress and depression also appear to play a vital role in the development of heart disease.

A research, founded by National Institute of health (NIH), found those people suffer from heart disease who regularly meditate may be able to reduce their risk of heart attack and strokes. Meditation can play a vital role to prevent heart diseases. Meditation is very good for protecting your heart from heart disease.
Guided mindfulness meditation is a simple, effortless and natural way to quiet state of mind. One of potential benefit of meditate mindfulness meditation is to achieving calmness and emotional balance and cultivate the ability to experience deep contentment, peace and joy. Mindfulness meditation have positive impact on body such as lowering blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.

Meditation has been practice in various forms of thousands of years all around the world. Meditator use it to reach a state of tranquility, inner peace, awareness and balance. Meditation, which focuses on body posture and breathing process (exercises), primarily for mental flexibility, can also help relax the mind and reduce stress. Patients that meditated regularly cut their risk for death, heart attack and strokes. MRI studies of long-term meditators show clear differences in the areas of the brain that “light up” compared to non-meditators

We have created a guided meditation track (below) to get you started. The audio will guide you through some easy breathing techniques to help you relax, and focus on the present moment.

Chidaakash meditation
By the practice of chidaakash meditation, hundreds of divine powers can be derived, but the most important is the achievement of the state of meditation.Guided mindfulness meditation track provides an awareness of how to react to situations and gives us a sense of perspective. Meditation generally has low risks low costs, once you learned, the technique can be practiced anytime, anywhere. Meditation is also one inexpensive and accessible method that could help you.

Yoga Nidra Meditation
Yoga Nidra is very suitable for beginners . This track is inspired by yognidra technique taught by Swami Niranjananand. Yognidra is very useful in withdrawing our awareness to internal self, away from outside world. This can be done before other dharana meditation practice also.

Vrikshasana– Vrikshasana is one of the best posture for improving balance. When you practice this posture, your entire body weight is shifted to one leg. It stretches the entire body from toes to fingers. It helps to enhance the flexibility of legs, back and chest muscles and relaxes the central nervous system. It will help to digest the food and energize your body. Vrikshasana not only activates metabolism but also helps to stabilize your mind.


Bhujangasana- Bhujangasana is a basic Hatha Yoga posture. It reflects the posture of a cobra. It is part of the sequence of yoga postures in Sun Salutation. This posture is not only opens the physical body, but also provides a gentle opening for the heart as well. It opens the chest and helps to clear the passages of the heart. It also helps to improve menstrual irregularities and decrease stiffness of the lower back. It is real catholicon for people with respiratory disorders such as Asthma.

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