Liver problem, acidity, Constipation, Belly pain,

Want Healhty Liver? Yoga with Meditation and Kriyas for Healthy Liver

Liver is one of the most important and largest organs in our body, so it is our responsibility to keep it functioning well. Liver regulates the levels of protein, fats and sugar in the bloodstream and produces bio-chemicals for digestion.

Liver continuously works to remove the all wastes and toxins from the body that gets accumulated throughout the day. But the poor functioning of the liver is due to change of Life style, wrong dietary habits, lack of physical activity, smoking, and alcohol consumption. Oily food , lack of exercises and stress also leads to liver malfunctioning and a large number of people in 35 + years have symptoms of what is called ‘fatty liver’. Also, many prescription drugs impacts liver negatively and lead to deterioration of its condition.

One of the best ways out is the practice of Yoga, which soothes both mind and body. Yoga based meditation and postures are designed to rejuvenate the brain, spine, glands and internal organs. They work by increasing the blood and prana supply to these areas and by stimulating them with a gentle squeezing action.
These meditations are very useful for healthy liver.


1. Chidaakash Meditation – This is an important meditation and especially recommended for beginners. It means observing sky (infinity ) of our chitta ( consciousness) . In this, we watch our Chidaakash ( chitta + aakash ), black screen in front of our closed eyes. This involves watching own thoughts and observing our consciousness and its continuously changing different patterns .It also helps in dealing with anxious thoughts; you watch them; let them go and see how both good and bad thoughts or memories finally pass. It is very helpful in beating stress or anxiety.

Here is the link of Guided Chidaakash meditation Track


Yoga Nidra Navel

2. Yoga Nidra – Yoga Nidra is very suitable for beginners . This track is inspired by yoga nidra technique taught by Swami Niranjananand. Yoga Nidra is very useful in withdrawing our awareness to internal self, away from outside world. This can be done before other dharana meditation practice also.
Here is the link of Guided Yoga Nidra meditation Track


There are certain yoga (asanas) exercises that can enhance the health of your liver.</strong


1. Naukasana – Naukasana is called “Boat Pose” in English. This posture is basically beneficial to strengthen the lungs, liver and pancreas. It increases the circulation of blood and maintain the sugar level. Naukasana is best posture for those who wants to reduce belly and wants to develop abs muscles. People suffering from medical condition like low blood pressure, ulcer, joint pain, migraine, heart disease or spinal disorder etc. should avoid practicing this asana.



2. Gomukhasana – Cow face pose, is one of the simple yet very effective posture in Hatha Yoga. This asana particularly focuses on your hips, thighs, underarms, chest and shoulders. To practice this asana, the practitioner sits with the spine straight and the knees are bend. It is helpful in lever diseases. Stimulates kidney function, activates the bladder and the digestive system, and also counters diabetes. It helps to develop the chest and in the treatment of sciatica.



3. Dhanurasana – It is a basic posture of Hatha Yoga. In this exercise our body pose look like the shape of the Dhanush (bow). It is helpful in chronic constipation, dyspepsia and sluggishness of liver and gastro-intestinal diseases. Dhanurasana improves digestion, appetite, function of kidney and liver, pancreas and blood circulation. It helps to cure menstruation disorder, constipation, respiratory disorder, stimulating reproductive organs, diabetes and releasing back pain.



4. Kapalbhati Pranayama – It is simple and easy to do Pranayama but has powerful effects. The breath shouldn’t be forced during inhalation process, and it must be carried out as a normal process while the exhalation process must be done forcefully. It works up the respiratory system as well as the abdominal muscles. It improves digestion, Improves the function of kidneys, liver and blood circulation in whole body parts.



5.Viparita Karani (Reversed Pose) – Viparita Karani is a very restorative and rejuvenating posture (asana) that allow the mind and the body to relax and energize. It has anti- aging effects on the body. Some Yoga expert say that Viprita Karani not only reduces wrinkles but also keeps both old age and death. It brings fresh blood and lymph fluid into your abdomen and organs. This posture also improves lung capacity and makes them elastic and stronger. Viprita Karani gives complete rest to the legs and has the capacity to recharge the entire body and mind from tiredness.

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