Meditation for beginners

Meditation is simple but very powerful method to relax and develop your inherent potential. Many beginner mistake it for concentration and are afraid to try as they think they cannot concentrate. I am always asked to give some tips for beginners and my first advice is to stop thinking it as an exercise in concentration. Instead, think of it as an exercise of awareness. It is about being more aware of oneself and environment. It’s about observation and NOT concentration. You OBSERVE, that’s it. Mind has no ‘thinking’ role to play in observation.

YogNidra Navel

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Yognidra is very suitable for beginners . This track is inspired by yognidra technique taught by Swami Niranjananand. Yognidra is very useful in withdrawing our awareness to internal self, away from outside world. This can be done before other dharana meditation practice also.


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This meditation literally means, observing the internal sky ( Antar : Internal, Akash : Sky or Infinity) . It is inspired from a dharana meditation of the ancient text of Sri Vijnana Bhairav Tantra( SBVT) . It is a good meditation for beginners.


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This dharana meditation literally means,fire of death or time. ( Kaal: Death or Time and Agni : Fire) . This is inspired from one of the 112 dharana meditations described in the ancient text of Sri Vijnana Bhairav Tantra (SBVT). Many recommend this to be the first meditation that beginners should do.


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This is an important meditation and especially recommended for beginners. It means observing sky (infinity ) of our chitta ( consciousness) . In this, we watch our Chidaakash ( chitta + aakash ), black screen in front of our closed eyes. This involves watching own thoughts and observing our consciousness and its continuously changing different patterns .It also helps in dealing with anxious thoughts; you watch them; let them go and see how both good and bad thoughts or memories finally pass. It is very helpful in beating stress or anxiety.